The Biggest Collection of Learning Resources for Product Managers 🌎

Books, courses, videos, internships, podcasts, frameworks, and more!

Paweł Huryn
3 min readSep 17, 2022

People asked me over and over again in DMs. So here it is :)

  1. Top free PM courses:

I was going to make a list of the best free PM courses. But it turned out that 99% of them are noise. So here are just 3 you should bookmark:

2. Lock yourself in a room and read these 10 books on PM:

3. Top 50 PM books by David Pereira:

4. Top 11 PM podcasts you’d be crazy to miss:

5. Top 6 strategic frameworks every PM should know:

6. 12-Month MBA for PMs (books; you will thank me later):

7. 5 visuals that help you become better at Product Thinking:

8. 10 frameworks that will make you a better PM by Aakash Gupta:

9. 21 Essential TED Talks for PMs by Aakash Gupta:

10. 170+ great PM videos & book reviews by Dan Olsen:

11. 6 books to sharpen your thinking:

12. 10 newsletters that will teach you more than any $150,000 MBA:

+ Product Growth:
+ Productify:

13. 10 free no-code tools for startups:

14. Thousands of free Scrum and Agile articles:
- by David Pereira
- by Maarten Dalmijn
- by Serious Scrum

15. The best collection of PM internships:

16. 51 PM conferences to check out in 2022:

17. 16 PM accounts to follow on LinkedIn:

Aakash Gupta, Diego Granados, David Pereira, Maarten Dalmijn, Teresa Torres, Jason Knight, Lenny Rachitsky, Shyvee Shi, Bart Jaworski, Ph.D., Marty Cagan, Justin Welsh, Dan Olsen, Melissa Perri, Product Coalition, Product School, Pawel Huryn

18. 16 PM accounts to follow on Twitter:

@aakashg0, @bandanjot, @JustAnotherPM, @onejasonknight, @lennysan, @PMDiegoGranados, @thejustinwelsh, @danolsen, @RousanNajwan, @jeffpatton, @cagan, @johncutlefish, @tobiasrogers, @SystemSunday, @davidavpereira, @HurynPawel

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